Human beings generally operate below their capacities that is, they perform below the level of skills they have. This's either because they're not aware of the skills they have or are concerned about what people will say or the fear of failure or they feel these skills are not important.
Personal development is a way that helps you to assess your skills and qualities, consider your aims in life and set goals in order to realize and maximize your potential. One of the key importance of personal development is the desire to become everything you are capable of becoming.
This article will walk you through some of the reasons why personal development skills are important for your growth. Let's dive into that straight away.
5 Reasons why personal development skills are important for your growth in 2020.
There are at least three (3) aspects of personal development which are Spiritual, Physical and Mental development. Most of the reasons for personal development that will be discussed here are on the mental aspect.
Mental aspect of personal development will require you to stretch your mind and develop good thinking skills, good reading habits, ability to use them in real life situations. Below are some of the reason you should consider personal development in 2020.
1. Job Search
Personal development skills increase one employability status. Personal development skills are important for you in the aspect of career development. Apart from your qualification (certificate), there are many skills that are necessary or has been set as requirement in your dream job. Technologies are advancing daily, new machines and equipment are being produced daily and there are an increasing demand for jobs. Technologies has taken over some jobs spaces already.
To increase your chance of getting your dream job or being promoted in your dream job for a better pay, you have to work on your excessive passivity (Habit of only consuming the information that is brought in front of you, rather than actively cultivating knowledge in areas that are valuable to you) and improving your circle of control (Reduce irrelevant information and spend more time finding things important to you). These can be best done by learning skills, machines and other technologies relevant to your desired field of practice.
2. Self-Actualization
Maslow (1943) describes self-actualization as the desire to accomplish everything that one can, to become the most that one can be. To be self-actualized, you will have to find your core strengths, understand how to stay in your circle of control, bring together a basic personal development plan and walk your path toward self-mastery.
3. Sense of direction
Personal development skills give your life a sense of direction leading to a life of a greater achievement and happiness.
Dr. Pst Paul Enenche says;
A life without bearing is boring.
Living a life that you don't know where you're headed will only make you to want to try out everything in life leading to time wastage and less achievement in life.
Personal development skill gives a bearing and a meaning to your life and makes you to achieve more in life.
4. Confidence and boldness
Personal development skill gives you confidence and boldness for both intra and inter-professional discussion.
Self-confidence makes you to believe in your abilities, actions and decisions and this will help you in trying out things in a new way, which shows that you believe you can succeed.
5. You (Can) Earn More Money
Yes you can earn more more! Most of the struggles of this life is to have more money in the bank accounts and to gain financial freedom and more opportunities to gain a fulfilling life.
This may include learning how to start your own business, taking your current business online, learning business development skills, marketing and market research skills, productivity skills and lots more. Any of these or combination of any of them can lead to a higher level of income.
Constantly think and implore personal development skills to better your financial situation and gain financial freedom.
Personal development improves awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital, and contribute to the actualization of dreams and aspirations. One good thing about Personal development skills is that, these skills are learnable and most of them available free on the internet. Make proper use of your time and the internet you have.