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Personal branding? Top 10 reasons (with tips) why you need it now for your personal growth.

Writer's picture: eConsult businesseConsult business

Imagine yourself been a physical product. What product would you have been? How likely would you have paid for this product (yourself) if you had gone to the market to purchase this product and saw different brands of this product? The thought that resonates in the mind of people when they hear your name represents your brand. If you don't package yourself well, people could easily bypass you. People are like products with different brands available in the market. If you don't package yourself well, you could be considered less or unimportant with little or no attention. You need to develop your brand because of its enormous importance.

We live in a competitive world, where there is no room for the unfit, and only the fits survive.

In the words of Jeff Beals, "People are products, and like every other product in the market, you need to be market. You can develop yourself into a product with a very high market value. A product with lower chances to get replaced with any other product. Your actions whether deliberate or not determine your brand."

Personal branding involves your conscious and intentional effort to creating and influencing public perception of you. This is done by positioning yourself as an authority in your field. Personal branding requires that you define your needs, vision, mission, strength, interests/passion, goals, etc.

The maturation of social media has made it essential for everyone to adopt personal branding. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, is famously quoted as saying, "Your brand is what people say about you when you're not in the room." Your brand is the unique combination of skills and experiences that make you who you are. It is how you present yourself to the world. Effective personal branding will differentiate you from the competition and allow you to build trust with prospective clients and employers.

Top 10 Reasons (with tips) why you need branding for your personal growth now.

1. Goals Achievement:

What are your goals? Do you have a known personal brand (what is your brand)? Are your goals aligning with your brand? Personal branding helps you to focus your actions and effort toward achieving your goals. Goal achievement is one of the elements of personal branding. The contents you create and share on the internet should be deliberate efforts to help you achieve your goals. These goals are necessary for your personal growth.

2. Your brand attracts you to opportunities.

Dan Schawbel in his book; Promote Yourself: The New Rules For Career Success said that;

Titles might be good for your ego, but in the grand scheme of things what matters is what you're known for, the projects you're part of, how much people trust you, whom you know, who knows about you, and the aura you give off to people around you. Sure, what you do is important, but what others think you do can be just as important if not more so. If you build a strong reputation, the money and opportunities will find you.

Personal branding is very important for faster personal growth. Personal branding can open new job opportunities. When people get to know who you are and they are clear about your brand promise, your brand becomes like a bar of magnets. It attracts people and opportunities that are relevant to achieve your goals.

3. You grow your wealth.

More opportunity leads to making more money and getting wealthy and wealthier.

People prefer to pay higher prices for well-known and well-trustworthy brands than lower brands in the same industry. Celebrity artists charge more money to anchor programs than the upcoming ones even if it's a program that the upcoming artist can deliver very well. It shows a clear message that personal branding is relevant for one's personal growth. Your brand makes you stand out and unique in your way.

Imagine a situation where everyone with the same job title was paid the same amount, there would be no motivation to stand out and deliver higher value.

4. You gain popularity and become a public figure.

Unless you stand out of the crowd, you can hardly get noticed, and your impact can rarely be felt. One thing personal branding does is to make you stand out from the crowd to become noticed.

Build your brand around people who are willing to support you and share your goals, values and contribute to your personal growth.

5. Personal branding boosts your confidence.

It's so much exciting knowing that you know exactly what you're doing. Not just that but also that people are believing in you.

Self-confidence is a core component of any personal branding. Your brands build a strong sense of self-worth, capabilities, raise your confidence level.

6. It showcases your value

Personal branding consecrates you all the control and power. It gives you respect because of the connection and trusts your customers and co-workers have for you.

Your brand proves your value and worth as an expert.

7. Advancement in your career.

Your brand is your growth strategy. It enables you to pursue your desired career. Your brand makes you not wait for opportunities or accept everything that life throws at you like over 80 % of the world's population does.

8. It minimizes your imposter syndrome.

Some people have placed some limits on their selves. These self-inflicted limits have limited their abilities to a certain standard of life through doubting their abilities.

Personal branding helps you to avoid the feeling that you're living a fake. It also reduces the doubts you have about your abilities. It is because personal branding is about authenticity and being yourself your best self.

9. You increase your energy.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh said that the most exhausting thing you can do is to be inauthentic.

Personal branding involves authenticity.

10. You can control your brand image.

Have you ever Google yourself to see what it says about you? Does the information you got from Google define you?

Personal branding is a purposeful act. Even if you don't make purposeful attempts to create a personal brand, you already have a brand. If you don't take control of your brand, people will form their own opinions, and your brand will grow without your input. Your posts on social media platforms are saying a lot about your brand.

Join the many people who are seeking personal branding from us.

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