Most people find that they wish they had more time in a day. William Penn once said time is what we want most, but what we use worst. Time is of the essence and people wish they have more than 24 hours a day. No one has more than 24 hours in a day.
Time is the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues. People always find time for their priorities so, it's important to prioritize your activities to better manage your time. You don't have enough hours in the day to do everything you want hence, the need to prioritize what you want to do.
Time #management involves the process of #planning and controlling how much #time to spend on specific activities. It's not about getting many things done in less time but about doing things with an intention for a purposeful, successful, and happy life. -Amy Nguyen, Happiness Infinity LLC.
There are whole lots of myths about time management and there some simple secrets about successful time management.
Below are three (3) simple secrets of successful time management you would love to know.
1. No One-size-fits-all solutions.
A product can be described as 'One-size-fits-all'. This means that the product could fit all instances. However, there are no 'One-size-fits-all solutions in time management. Everyone has their own way and best way to get things done. The system that works for me may not work for you. Test out different tools, systems, and programs to learn what works best for you. Often, when we try to force ourselves into certain ways of doing things, we end up feeling frustrated and discouraged.
2. Explore different methods
Since no single system works for all, give yourself permission to try different systems. If they simply don’t work for you, ignore them, and try something new. If parts of them work for you, use those parts and let go of the remaining.
3. Find out what works best for you.
There are different systems and tools for time management, find out what works best for you. If you're the type that gets more done during the early hours of the day, then frontload your activities. Don't copy other people's system just because it works for them, it may not work for you. Remember that time management is not about getting more done in less time, it's about doing what will lead you to actualizing your goals.